Upper Lighthorne Village Centre Design Brief

Artist’s Impression – Aerial Masterplan

Outline planning permission for the Upper Lighthorne development was granted in 2016. This incorporates a village centre, including primary school, community hub, health centre, retail and other services.

Condition 13 of the planning permission states that prior to submitting the first Reserved Matters (detailed) planning application relating to the new village centre, a Design Brief will be prepared, submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority so that the development can be implemented in accordance with this Design Brief.
A public consultation event ran on 15th June 2023 from 330pm until 730pm at Lighthorne Heath Village Hall and online on this website.
We shared the Design Brief which has been prepared following a Village Centre Design Brief Charrette and takes on board the responses from the appointed Design Review Panel. The Design Review Panel is made up of independent experts who specialise in the design of new developments.

This exhibition provided details of the parameter plans and explains the design principles within the Design brief. These include:

• Character and identity
• Sense of arrival
• Connectivity
• Active frontages
• Views and vistas
• Mixed-use and school
• Sense of enclosure

It also shares the indicative Framework Plan, illustrative visuals and aerial views. Copies of the Design Brief document are also available to view by clicking the links below. 

Vision and Illustrative Masterplan

Following consultation, the Design Brief has been updated and submitted to the Local Planning Authority. You can review the Design Brief by using the links below, where you can also find answers to the frequently asked questions which were raised at the event. If you have any questions please email Victoria.walker@ceg.co.uk

CEG has selected Hinton Group as the preferred developer to deliver the Village Centre. In due course, they will prepare Reserved Matters (detailed) planning applications with their selected partners and are attending today’s exhibition to share their early thoughts.

Please revisit this website for updates in due course.